Source code for sixe_idp.api
import time
import requests
from enum import Enum
[docs]class FileType(Enum):
bank_statement = 'CBKS'
invoice = 'CINV'
cheque = 'CHQ'
credit_bureau_singapore = 'CBS'
receipt = 'RCPT'
payslip = 'PS'
packing_list = 'PL'
bill_of_lading = 'BL'
air_waybill = 'AWBL'
kartu_tanda_penduduk = 'KTP'
hong_kong_annual_return = 'HKAR'
purchase_order = 'PO'
delivery_order = 'DO'
[docs]class Task(object):
The :class:`Task <Task>` object, which contains a server's response to an IDP task creating request.
def __init__(self, raw=None):
self.raw = raw
def task_id(self):
return self.raw['data']
[docs]class TaskResultField:
def __init__(self, raw) -> None:
self.raw = raw
def field_code(self):
see `field_code <>`_
return self.raw['field_code']
def field_name(self):
see `field_name <>`_
return self.raw['field_name']
def value(self):
return self.raw['value']
def type(self):
see `type <>`_
return self.raw['type']
# @property
# def extraction_confidence(self):
# return self.raw['extraction_confidence']
[docs]class TaskResult(object):
def __init__(self, raw):
self.raw = raw
def status(self):
status of the task, which can be:
- **Init** Task is created
- **Doing** Task is being processed
- **Done** Task result is avaiable
- **Fail** An error occurred
- **Invalid** Invalid document
read `more <>`_
return self.raw['data']['status']
def fields(self):
List of :class:`TaskResultField <TaskResultField>` object
return [TaskResultField(x) for x in self.raw['data']['fields']]
[docs]class ExtractionTaskClient(object):
def __init__(self, token=None, region=None):
Initializes task extraction
:param str token: Client's token
:param str region: Region to make requests to, defaults to 'sea'
self.token = token
self.region = region
# URL to upload file and get response
if region == 'test':
region = ''
region = '-'+region
self.url_post = "https://idp"+region + \
self.url_get = "https://idp"+region + \
[docs] def create(self, file=None, file_type=None, lang=None,
customer=None, customer_param=None, callback=None,
auto_callback=None, callback_mode=None, hitl=None) -> Task:
:param lang: English: EN, Default is EN
:type lang: str
:param file: Pdf/image file. Only one file is allowed to be uploaded each time
:type file: file
:param file_type: The code of the file type (e.g., CBKS). Please see details of File Type Code.
:type file_type: FileType
:param customer: Enterprise/customer code (e.g., ABCD). a fixed value provided by 6E.
:type customer: str
:param customer_param: Any value in string specified by customer enterprise/customer. This value will return in callback request.
:type customer_param: str
:param callback: A http(s) link for callback after completing the task. If you need to use the callback parameter, please make sure that the callback url does not have any authentication.
:type callback: str
:param auto_callback: Callback request will request automatic if autoCallback is true, otherwise, the user needs to manually trigger the callback.Default value is true.
:type auto_callback: bool
:param callback_mode: Callback mode when the task finishes.
- `mode 0`: callback request only contains the task status.
- `mode 1`: callback request contains task status and extracted field results.
- `mode 2`: callback request contains task status, extracted fields results and pdf file.
Default is 0.
:type callback_mode: int
:param hitl: Enables the Human-In-The-Loop (HITL) service. If the value is true, the submitted task will be processed by AI + HITL. Otherwise, the task will be processed by AI only.
Default value: false.
:type hitl: bool
assert isinstance(file_type, FileType), "Invalid file type"
if file is None:
raise IDPException("File is required")
headers = {"X-ACCESS-TOKEN": self.token}
files = {"file": file}
data = {'fileType': file_type.value, 'lang': lang, 'customer': customer,
'customerParam': customer_param, 'callback': callback,
'autoCallback': auto_callback, 'callbackMode': callback_mode,
'hitl': hitl}
trash_bin = []
for key in data:
if data[key] is None:
for key in trash_bin:
del data[key]
r =, headers=headers,
files=files, data=data)
if r.ok:
return Task(r.json())
raise IDPException(r.json()['message'])
[docs] def result(self, task_id=None) -> TaskResult:
:param task_id: task_id
:type task_id: int
:returns: status and result of task
:rtype: :class:`TaskResult <TaskResult>`
headers = {"X-ACCESS-TOKEN": self.token}
r = requests.get(self.url_get+str(task_id), headers=headers)
if r.ok:
return TaskResult(r.json())
raise IDPException(r.json()['message'])
[docs] def run_simple_task(self, file=None, file_type=None, poll_interval=3, timeout=600):
Run simple extraction task
:param file: Pdf/image file. Only one file is allowed to be uploaded each time
:type file: file
:param file_type: The code of the file type (e.g., CBKS). Please see details of File Type Code.
:type file_type: FileType
:param poll_interval: Interval to poll the result from api, in seconds
:type poll_interval: float
:param timeout: Timeout in seconds
:type timeout: float
start = time.time()
task = self.create(file=file, file_type=file_type)
task_result = self.result(task_id=task.task_id)
while(task_result.status=='Doing' or task_result.status=='Init'):
if time.time() - start > timeout:
raise IDPException(f'Task timeout exceeded: {timeout}')
task_result = self.result(task_id=task.task_id)
if task_result.status == 'Done':
return task_result
return task_result
[docs]class Client(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, region=None, token=None):
Initializes the IDP Client
:param token: Client's token
:type token: str
:param region: IDP Region to make requests to, e.g. 'test'
:type token: str
:returns: :class:`Client <Client>`
:rtype: sixe_idp.api.Client
if token is None:
raise IDPConfigurationException('Token is required')
if region not in ['test', 'sea']:
raise IDPConfigurationException(
"Region is required and limited in ['test','sea']")
self.region = region
self.token = token
self.extraction_task = ExtractionTaskClient(token=token, region=region)
An :class:`ExtractionTaskClient <ExtractionTaskClient>` object